quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2011

Put the verb in brackets into Past Simple or Past Perfect. (did or had done)
Example: I got up late because I (forget) _____ to set my alarm clock. (key = had forgotten

1. After she (finish_____________ breakfast she left the house.
2. Before he came to Warsaw he (live)____________  in Prague.
3.   He (spend)____________ three years in Tahiti when he was a child.
4.   He started to read the newspaper he (buy) __________ an hour earlier.
5.   He told me he (never be)______________ to Australia before.
6.   He told me he (never see) _____________ anything like that.
7.   I (write) ______________ a long letter to my mother yesterday.
8.   I couldn't get in because I (lose) _____________my keys.
9.   I felt really stupid because I (make) ____________a lot of mistakes.
10.   I paid for the window because my son (break) ______________.
11.   I told him I didn't know who (steal) ______________his pen.
12.   I told him twice that I (not know) ______________him.
13.   I was feeling very thirsty because I (drink) ____________ too much alcohol the night before.
14.   I was frightened because the police (come) ____________ for my sister.
15.   I was hungry because I (not eat) _________________since breakfast.
16.   The doctor examined her leg and (find) _____________that she had broken it.
17.   The movie (start already)________________ when we arrived to the cinema.
18.   When I looked at the lorry I could see that somebody (drive)_______________ into the back of it.
19.   When I saw her I knew we (never meet) ______________ before.
20.   When she (hear)_______________ the noise she turned to see what it was.

quarta-feira, 30 de março de 2011



2  3  4  
5  6  
7  8  9  
12  13  
14  15  16  
17  18  
20  21  22  
23  24  
25  26  
3) Simple Past of BRING
5) Simple Past of STICK
8) Simple Past of SING
10) Simple Past of EAT
11) Simple Past of FEED
12) Past Participle of SHAKE
16) Past Participle of SELL
17) Past Participle of READ
18) Simple Past of LEAVE
20) Simple Past of MEET
21) Simple Past of DRAW
24) Simple Past of DRINK
25) Simple Past of FLY
26) Past Participle of STAND
27) Past Participle of MAKE
1) Simple Past of HURT
2) Simple Past of CHOOSE
3) Past Participle of BE
4) Past Participle of TAKE
6) Simple Past of UNDERSTAND
7) Simple Past of SIT
9) Past Participle of GO
13) Simple Past of HEAR
14) Past Participle of SWIM
15) Past Participle of WRITE
19) Simple Past of GO
22) Simple Past of PAY
23) Simple Past of WIN
Simple Past

Put the sentences into simple past.

1. We open the door. →
2. You write poems. →
3. Richard plays in the garden. →
4. Kerry does not speak English. →
5. Do you see the bird? →

Write sentences in simple past.

1. you / cards / play
2. I / a car / want
3. we / the game / lose
4. not / I / early / get up
5. not / Jeff and Linda / home / cycle

„Was“ or „Were“?

1. I hungry.
2. You in Australia last year.
3. She not there.
4. Charly Chaplin a famous actor.
5. Lisa and James at home.

Ask for the bold part of the sentence.

1. Billy ate an apple.
2. The children played in the garden.
3. Laura came home at six o'clock.
4. The boy read a book.
5. The girl wrote five letters.

sábado, 5 de março de 2011

O carro mais caro do mundo

É o Rolls-Royce (Silver Ghost 1906) cotado cinquenta milhões de dólares, aproximadamente 86 milhões de reais. Este carro, da foto abaixo, com 800.000 km rodados, pertence a própria fábrica, já que o antigo dono morreu enquanto estavam reformando-o e os herdeiros decidiram vendê-lo.

quinta-feira, 3 de março de 2011

so video fera no you tube, entrem
